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Photo Library - Icowhouse

Planning And Design

Planning And Design

Planning and design takes time. It is so important to get everything right, and to ensure that all aspects of the project have been considered. When we are engaged as design consultants we will go over every detail of the project, irrespective of who will build the final cow house. Our focus is on you, your cows and what you need to achieve.

Cowhouse offers a multi-faceted approach to design, and no one system is suitable for all. The best build is a build designed for your purpose, not what is available off the standard plan.

First Stone Layed

First Stone Layed

Once the design is completed it is time for the contractors to start the ground work and layout. This is a precise job and it is important to engage the right company to do this. In general we recommend and work whereever possible with your local contractors.

Earthworks and excavations is where most projects lose a lot of money... talk to us to ensure that potential pitfalls are avoided.



Effluent management is a vital aspect of the design, but is often ignored by non-experienced designers or builders. You are no longer dealing with dirty water, this stuff is sludge and is difficult to deal with. Correct design and pump systems are vital to ensure that long term, easy management is achieved.



A good surface for cows to lay on is important, it ensures cow well-being and reduces the stress of "being in a cowhouse". Many people underestimate the effects of the impact on animals bone and muscle structure.

Matting For The Cows Comfort

Matting For The Cows Comfort

The installation of the matting is in progress. The whole shed is taking shape and it's getting colder outside. The cows love the Polysoft matting, it is a superior product and gives extreme comfort, is self cleaning and ensures a reduced ongoing labour cost. Above all, it is tested to the highest standards.

More cows sleep and rest on Polysoft® than any other matting.

Getting There

Getting There

Progress is being made - the roof is on and the interior concrete structure is in place, ready for the feed alley and scraper lanes to be boxed prior to the concrete pour.

Cow Comfort

Cow Comfort

There are many options for cow matting, but very few stack up. The real issues are what labour is involved to keep it clean, how well the cows rest and what about bugs? In this example, Polysoft matting is in place; a 40 mm thick mattress with an industrial grade polysoft cover. This material is like heaven for the cows, it has been specially developed, tested and used in Europe and NA for nearly 10 years now. Polysoft is slightly more costly than rubber, but the advantages outweigh the extra cost many times over. Issues such as bacterial growth, labour to keep matting clean, angle of bedding, length of bedding etc are all important issues.

Non Slip

Non Slip

The concrete surface and the design of the walkways and thoroughfares must all be given due consideration. Poor design will lead to cows breaking legs and cow stress, but this can be avoided by knowing what is important in managing cows. It is one thing to build a shed, it is another to do it right.



Effluent, or rather sludge, is a major byproduct of cowhouses. Specially designed scraper systems have been installed here to deal with the sludge automatically.

Sludge Management

Sludge Management

Not effluent, but sludge and lots of it... specially designed systems are incorporated in the free stall Cowhouse TM to ensure everything is managed automatically.

Special high performance sludge pumps are installed for the best reliability and least amount of maintenance.

Brrrrr But Not For Your Cows

Brrrrr But Not For Your Cows

Nearly done, but with snow falling, feed at a premium and pastures needing protection, it's vital to get the cows in to start reaping the benefits from this large investment.

Dinner Is Up

Dinner Is Up

Its dinner time... all the time... when dinner is up its all go. After milking, before milking... feed is production and now that there is no waste or tramping around in the mud, farming is enjoyable again. A quick swipe with the bike and all feed is in front of the cows...very little will remain by next morning.

Keenan Feed Mix

Keenan Feed Mix

Feeding the cows properly and without the waste is one major benefit of investing in a Free stall Cowhouse TM. Our systems are designed for you to get optimum benefit out of your investment, many of our Cowhouse TM clients use the Keenan Feed mixing/Feed Management system and many have done nutritional courses with Sue Macky.
Then when everything is done right instant production gains are measurable from day 1.

Brushes For Cows?

Brushes For Cows?

Cow comfort and wellbeing is important when housing cows. An electric brush is installed and used almost 24 hours a day, it takes 10 minutes from first entry for the cows to work this ingenious self activating brush out and they love it. After all they are girls...

Inside Or Out?

Inside Or Out?

Project starts in June for completion July .
Where would the cows be happier? Inside or out.

Pond Design And Construction

Pond Design And Construction

Building a pond for a Cowhouse is not the same as a building one for diluted effluent.
Stirring is a key element to get right. One of the largest ponds in NZ (SI) in Leeston shows how its done.

Pond Stirring With Gigabite When No Power On

Pond Stirring With Gigabite When No Power On

Permanent Pond stirring with a robust build for the job stirring system takes all the worry away. Stirring is ezy, hook up the PTO shaft and the hydraulics to the rest


Cowhouseâ„¢ Limited
Phone: 0800 80 90 98